I may be biased when I do this review. Because I have read the book, and have cried oceans over it, and have had scenes from the book playing in my mind long after I am done reading, I have expected much more, if not on par, with the movie version. This hope is intensified by the favorable local review of the movie and the global acceptance.
I am, however, disappointed.
I have to be fair here – my disillusionment does not have anything to do with the actors, setting, direction, cinematography and all-film related matters. Rather, if you look at Kite Runner as the movie, it would fairly pass as a ‘good movie’. The actors do not disappoint (the aging of Baba-jan from a young to an aging, sick father is truly believable – ditto for Rahim Khan), the settings appear real (although shot in China), and the cinematography is excellent. I especially like the credits at the beginning of the movie. The artistic element, combined with such appropriate fonts, bring out the essence of the story and theme very well.
My disenchantment lies in the way the script has been modified to suit the length of a movie. Many crucial parts have been omitted, so much so that I, who have read the book, could not help but to compare the two versions. If the omissions were done subtly, perhaps I would not have noticed and may forgive. However, the omitted scenes were those that portray Amir’s many struggles and survival. These scenes are crucial as these reflected the development of Amir’s character.
I fail to empathize with Amir the Movie. Undoubtedly, I like Amir the Book better.