Author: Saniyasnain Khan
I first read this book way back in January 2007. And now even after re-reading it, I am still mesmerized by the splendor of the passages.
A very easy read, this book contains a range of beautiful prayers from the Holy Quran. The author has brilliantly and successfully captured the essence of the Holy Book by the careful selection of the surahs. The words are lyrical, beautiful, moving and very apt.
I’ve once blogged about this book in 2007. And the contents, to this day, remain to be true. Here’s the excerpt:-
“The selected verses are short, simple and I do not know, at the time I was reading it, I was moved by the contents. It was as if God was speaking to me, to be strong, to have faith, to be thankful and to forever bear Him in mind and soul in what I do. I read the book, cover to cover, in an hour and 45 minutes, in one seating. I was THAT mesmerized by what I read. It’s like as if God knows that I was going through a bad time and therefore led me to ‘discover’ the book sitting quietly on my shelf. The thing is, I have noticed the book many a times, but I was never moved to even take it out and flip it. I do not know why last Friday, 5th January 2007 I somehow glanced at the book spine, lifted my arm and very easily took it down. I browsed through while heading to the sofa in my living room and before I was sitting down, I was already reading Page 2. I do not know why but definitely God does..”
For full blog, go to: