I was intrigued to find out more about Yusuf Islam after purchasing his ‘I Look, I See’ CD. My boys are crazy about the CD. Almost every other time we are in the car, the CD would be turned on and the boys would sing in unison.
Of course, I know who YI is. Vaguely, I knew about his musician beginning. But one night, I wanted to know more.
I came across this video. And I spent an hour just watching. The content is comprehensive and the video runs smoothly. The only irritation is the constant images (or flashbacks or close-ups of YI) being played again and again (after commercial breaks).
Note: To activate the video above, press SPACEBAR or ENTER after page refreshes. Else, proceed to the actual link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6157965900354777626
Had been his fan even b4 his conversion, but more so after his song wild world was made popular by Mr Big. Then I digged into his earlier songs and fell in love with Father and Son cos it captured my angst and feelings. Been a big fan since then but not so die-hard lah. I got a couple of his LPs as well as CDs. u nak pinjam Majikat DVD. there u can enjoy the conversion story without any commercial break. Guess what, in Perth, they have Islamic TV programmes that played this excerpt of this DVD too. Sg jgn harap lah.
Whoah! I didnt know you are such a Stevie fan. An amazing man - him, that is :)
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