Monday, March 24, 2008

The Matchbreaker


Author: Chris Manby

You would have thought that I’d learn my lesson since my last foray with Ms Manby’s book, Girl Meets Ape. But no, I was adamant.

This time, it is not that painful, though TM is not as satisfying as READY OR NOT? The only reason I think this is because TM is being narrated in the first person’s perspective. I always find stories written in this manner much more fluid, real and personal.

Lindsey Parker is definitely not someone I would like to have as a friend. Extremely pampered and spoilt, to the extent that she almost ruins others’ lives unconsciously. She learns about life, respect, growing up and most essentially, about the importance of not sticking her nose where it should not be in the first place.

An amusing twist exists in this book, though I could recognize the slight bump early on – this, of course, takes away much of the surprise when all is finally revealed in the end.

However, there is an added drama almost at the very end, that made my jaw opened slightly bigger than usual.

My only conclusion is Ms Manby can really weave a darn book story, but only if she is feeling up to it. She continues to be hilarious – you will smile at certain scenes – but above all, TM does not provide the ‘high’ that I got from RON. Having said that. TM is notches better than GMA.

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